Column mounted, with jointed arm

Liftronic Air column

Ceiling / rail mounted, with jointed arm

Liftronic Easy ceiling

Advanced Health and Safety Features (when assembled with tooling):

The Liftronic Air, as with all Indeva® industrial manipulators, offers an unrivalled range of health and safety features.  The sophisticated features are one of the reasons why so many world-leading manufacturers choose this intelligent lifting and handling equipment.

For example, the system will completely freeze in the event of:

• The detection of a communication error  (fault inside the cables, fault inside an electronic board etc).
• If electric power supply switches off
• If a fault inside the proportional electromagnetic valve is detected
• If a fault inside the proportional pneumatic valve is detected
• If the cylinder pressure has not reached the required operating pressure
• In the case of over-acceleration
• If the STOP button is pressed at any time

In the event of any of the above, the manipulator will stop exactly where it is – it won’t ever jolt or drop the load, which fully protects operators and prevents product damage.


Other important features include:

• The auto-balance feature will immediately counter balance a change in weight, preventing any dangerous or sudden movements
• The system will automatically generate a warning in order to show “out of range” working situations

Available options:

• Rotating joint on the articulate axis
• System lock for the lift capacity
• Brake for up / down movement
• Special painting
• Limit switch for the main and intermediate joint axis