Bespoke gripping tools to lift cardboard boxes in varying applications
Indeva’s ranges of industrial manipulators are trusted by world-leading manufacturers for a variety of complex lifting and handling applications. However, perhaps one of the most common applications serviced by Indeva is the lifting and handling of cardboard boxes. The repetitive nature of lifting and moving boxes can have a detrimental effect on workforce ergonomics and wellbeing, which is why our advanced lifting and handling equipment is used in a wide range of box lifting applications.
Indeva has designed a large range of bespoke end tools to allow their industrial manipulators to work perfectly in the application of lifting and handling cardboard boxes. Depending on the work cycles and demands of each application, we can design bespoke mechanical jaws or vacuum grippers with suction cups, to grip and transport cardboard boxes of varying weights and sizes
Able to lift weights up to around 300kg, an Indeva industrial manipulator is ideal for the simple application of transporting goods held in cardboard boxes throughout a manufacturing facility. The auto-balance features present on all of our equipment ensures high health and safety features, protecting the operator and preventing product damage.