Bespoke solutions for lifting bottles and jars
Since the early 1970’s, Scaglia Indeva has been working with companies across a wide range of sectors to provide them with a bespoke material handling solution that improves their ergonomics, safety and productivity.
Our industrial manipulators, or intelligent devices for handling (INDEVAs®), are the safest on the market and are perfect for the food and drink industry when handling fragile items. They make light work of lifting bottles and jars and are proven to reduce breakages.
Safety features built in, giving you peace of mind
The INDEVA® is equipped with advanced electronics which provides smooth and safe handling of any load. For lifting bottles and jars, the INDEVA® can provide slow and controlled movements to enable precise load placement with no impact, thereby reducing the risk of damage or breakage.
It can be equipped with a number of bespoke gripping tools. However, for bottles and jars, our vacuum gripping tools and suction cups enable operators to lift, move and place items without the fear of losing grip. Our purpose-designed multi-cup vacuum gripper is capable of holding up to 30 bottles at the same time, improving your efficiency as well as safety.
The innovative safety features that are built in guard against the load falling, even in the event of power failure. Movement is prevented unless an operator is present and in control and, if power failure should occur at any time, the motor is held with a mechanical lock which will not release the load until power is restored or the weight of the load is fully supported.
Discover ergonomic, safe and effortless lifting of bottles and jars
Repetitive activities such as lifting bottles and jars can lead to a number of work-related upper limb disorders such as RSIs, carpal tunnel syndrome, or hand-wrist tendon syndromes. We have designed all of our industrial manipulators and gripping tools to provide ergonomic and safe handling, reducing the stress and strains placed on operators. With fingertip control and an auto balancing feature, fragile goods can be lifted, transported safely and easily with very little effort from the operator.
For more information on our bespoke solutions for improving productivity, ergonomics and safety when lifting bottles and jars, please telephone us on 01246 25 23 33, or email us at